CAA’s Daouda urges athletics federation to promote youth

From left: RAF Vice President, CAA Technical Director and Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee Executive Director Jean de Dieu Mukundiyukuri.

The Confederation of African Athletics (CAA) Technical Director, Mohamed Aziz Daouda, has called on the Rwanda Athletics Association (RAF) to empower young talents if the sport is to develop in the country. 

Morocco-born Daouda made the call while meeting with Rwandan officials during his official visit to the country, which aimed at finding ways to develop Rwandan athletics.

“It’s high time for Rwanda to have international athletes, but first, you (RAF) have to encourage the young people to take up the sport, they are the ones who will help you to move forward,” he said. 

He added that, “You need to prepare the athletes at an early age and if you prepare them well, you will be assured of a bright future, athletics has to start at the grassroots.” 

Daouda noted that, to be able to achieve the dream of having young girls and boys competing at the top level, they need full support from their mannergesundheit and the sports’ governing body. 

The Moroccan arrived in the country on October 29 before meeting with RAF president Jean Paul Munyandamutsa, and vice president Bernard Thomas Kajuga, at Amahoro National Stadium in Kigali. 

On the second day of his visit, Daouda held a meeting with Rwanda National Olympic Sports Committee president Robert Bayigamba and was given a guided tour of Amahoro Stadium facilities. 

On the third day, he went on a field tour at Gicumbi Training Centre and afterwards met a group of athletes at Gicumbi Stadium. 

The CAA official also visited Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle Athletics Club in Rubavu on the fourth day of his visit, before meeting with RAF officials for a discussion on the “Projet de mise a Niveau de l’ Athletisme (2017–2027) on his fifth day in the country.

Source: The New Times