Forty conclude Olympic Solidarity course in Kigali through Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee.


A total of 40 participants attended a five-day Olympic Solidarity course organized in partnership with the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee that concluded on Friday at Amahoro National Stadium.

Participants were members of the Rwanda School Sport Federation (FRSS) and Rwanda Association of Sports Journalists (AJSPOR), was intended to educate and encourage the trainees, better adaption to the Olympic values.

The course was conducted by Tharcisse Harerimana on behalf of the Olympic Solidarity and it was focused on the three Olympic values- Friendship, Respect and Excellence along with the four Paralympic values-Determination, Inspiration, Courage and Equality.

“The values underpin the Games as a set of universal principles, but they can be applied to education and our lives as well as to sport itself,” Harerimana said at the closing ceremony.

Emile Ruberwa, who attended the training on behalf of the FRSS said, “We have acquired wisdom about the Olympic Values that we did not know. We learnt a lot about, and now we need to buy modafinil the youth about these values.”

Meanwhile, RNOSC Executive Director, Jean de Dieu Mukundiyukuri noted that, “RNOSC will continue to work hard within the limits of its ability and resources to uplift the ideals of the Olympic Movement, especially through such training.”

All the participants were awarded certificates at the end of the five-day training.  

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