[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tour][vc_tta_section title=”Overview” tab_id=”overview”][vc_column_text]The National Paralympic Committee of Rwanda is a non-profit making sports organization under the law N°05/1987 from February 18th 1987 having sports and recreation as its mandate. It is based at the Amahoro National Stadium in Kigali.

The National Paralympic Committee of Rwanda was founded on November 1st 2001. It has now 20 associations and sport clubs for people with disabilities as members. It is a member of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), of the National Olympic and Sportive Committee of Rwanda (CNOSR), member of APC (African Paralympic Committee) and WOVD (World Organisation of Volleyball for Disabled).


NPC Rwanda has just completed its first ten years of activity. We celebrated many successes achieved over that period and projected where NPC wishes to be in ten years from now:

• NPC Rwanda is an umbrella organisation for people with a disability co-ordinating national sports associations representing all types of disability

• It produces elite athletes and Paralympians that compete at international level through sports development starting at grassroots

• It is known as a strong NPC in the sub-Saharan zone learning and collaborating from more developed NPCs and international experts and sports federations

• It is financially independent, has paid staff and operates its own multi-purpose sports and leisure complex

• There are clubs and associations in all Districts co-ordinated by NPC centrally and provincially.

In one phrase our vision is “A society in which athletes with impairment participate in sport with the same opportunities as those without impairment”


NPC Rwanda uses sport as means of social integration for persons with impairment as well as sport for competition. NPC Rwanda has confirmed its Purpose, why it exists. This is to:

“Promote and co-ordinate sports for people with a disability (PwD); use sport to help those that feel isolated become more included in society; collaborate with others to help people with a disability know their rights, give them a strong voice and sensitise society about people with a disability.”

The high level objectives

The high level objectives flow from this, namely:

1. Promote and co-ordinate sport for People with Disabilities

2. Help those feeling isolated become more included

3. NPC has high capacity in internal management systems, policies and procedures with emphasis on monitoring & evaluation and fundraising

4. Collaborate with others to advocate for PwD


1. Excellence

2. Determination

3. Teamwork

4. Accountability

Plans and aspirations for the future

• Elaborating various project for the development of sport for people with disability at the grassroots level

• Strengthening sports association at district level (Capacity building of NPC Rwanda’s associations for their independent functioning in future /30 Associations )

• Increasing the number of women and youth in sports for people with disabilities

• Bringing international trainers to Rwanda to increase the competitiveness of our sports teams

• Improve our infrastructure to provide full access for persons with disability to the sports venues

• Seek long-term operational funding for the sustainable future of NPC Rwanda[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Historical Background” tab_id=”history”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Executive Committee” tab_id=”executive”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”News” tab_id=”news”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Contact” tab_id=”contact”][vc_column_text]Amahoro National Stadium


