[vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_tour shape=”square” color=”sky” active_section=”1″][vc_tta_section title=”Overview” tab_id=”overview”][vc_column_text]Vision and Mission


Fraternity, Transparency, Equity, Competitiveness, Excellence and Cooperation


Our Vision is « Leading, governing and developing the sport of athletics in all its form in a spirit of Excellence, Integrity and Solidarity »


Our Mission is to make the athletics the number one sports practiced at schools in Rwanda and to develop elite athletes able to compete at International scene.


Our strategy is to leverage the strength of disfunzione erettile constituting a natural recruitment base of athletes to further support to the existing club approach.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Historical Background” tab_id=”History”][vc_column_text]Rwanda Athletics Federation is the Leading Body of all athletics events in Rwanda including( Track and Field, Road running, Race walking and Cross Country Running) ;Rwanda Athletics Federation have a major role of promoting all those athletics events in the country with the Main target of Making Athletics Sports The Athletics the number one participation sport in schools, to educate kids into sport in general and athletics in particular and thus promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle, and to attract and sustain the potential sporting stars of tomorrow.

Athletics disciplines are among the oldest of all sporting competitions known to mankind, in Rwanda with ‘run, jump, throw’ the natural and universal forms of human physical expression. The sport also offers broader values that help us deal with life’s challenges.

Yet in an ever faster changing world, National sport federations such as the Rwanda Athletics Federation need to be pro-active when trying to reach new audiences and find new hosts for Athletics.

But it is also fundamental that we fully understand that athletics is no longer just about high performance, gold medals and records, but also about “sport for all” and about ensuring that the maximum number of Rwandans are able to participate in Athletics.

This means, of course, the thriving of road running, in which the majority of people actually connect directly with the world of Athletics, but it is also athletics in schools, where the Rwanda Athletics Federation is very keen to ensure that we reach the maximum number of kids, all over the whole country, starting at the age of 7 but also including youngsters in their teens, where the drop off from sport is most acute.

Despite such inherent benefits the Rwanda Athletics Federation recognizes that Athletics is competing for the public’s attention in an ever more varied and complex media and entertainment driven country but also that we properly embrace matters touching on social responsibility, the environment and all matters that help advance athletics as a force to change the country for better.

Athletics disciplines are among the oldest of all sporting competitions known to mankind, with ‘run, jump, throw’ the natural and universal forms of human physical expression. The sport also offers broader values that help our athletes deal with life’s challenges.

We are also adapting our competition programs to reflect the increasing diversity of attractions from which the public can now choose. Attracting, and most importantly retaining, the young as both participant and spectator are essential if Athletics is to retain its appeal. But we are also closely linked to the Run for Fun movement and also ultra-distance running and mountain racing ; As Rwanda is a country of thousand hills with a higher altitude of 4,510meters.

Athletics also carries the mantle of the Olympics Games’ number one sport. The histories of Athletics and the Olympic Games are closely entwined and the Rwanda Athletics Federation is extremely proud of this association.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Executive Committee” tab_id=”executive”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”News” tab_id=”news”][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”Contact” tab_id=”contact”][vc_column_text]Amahoro National Stadium
BP.2568 Kigali-Rwanda
E-mail: [email protected]

Tel: +250 788 304 516 – President || +250 788 403 492 – Secretary General


