Theo Uwayo elected President of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee for the next four years.

Theo Uwayo was unanimously elected as the new President of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee (RNOSC) for the next four years. Uwayo who is also the President of the Rwanda Karate Federation, was the sole candidate on this position, garnered 56/56 votes during the RNOSC Elective General Assembly which took place on the 08th of May 2021.

Theo Uwayo taking oath of office.

The date of elections was approved in an Extraordinary General Assembly held on April 17th, 2021.

In his acceptance speech, the new President of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee commended the outgoing Executive Committee for the achievements registered over the last four years. Theo Uwayo promised to promote efficiency, good governance and to serve the Olympic movement to the very best of his ability during his tenure.  

“We are grateful for the faith that you have entrusted with us. We pledge to work tirelessly to deliver during our term in office. We will start from where the outgoing committee had reached. Along with my experience, I trust my team’s commitment and competence and we look forward to achieving a lot together in the next four years.” – RNOSC President Theo Uwayo

Newly elected RNOSC President Mr. Theo Uwayo.

The newly elected RNOSC President has been serving as the President of the Rwanda Karate Federation for the last 12 years. Uwayo is also a member of the Executive Board of UFAK (Union of African Karate Federation) and the President of UFAK Zone V.

In her speech, the IOC Member Mrs. Félicité RWEMARIKA congratulated the incoming Executive Committee upon their election, and lauded the outgoing Executive Committee for the job well done during the last four years. She urged the new Executive Committee to serve while respecting the Olympic Charter. She also urged the RNOSC members to keep living the Olympic values, which are excellence, friendship and respect.

Other Executive Committee members elected

Umulinga Alice from the Rwanda Volleyball Federation has been elected as the 1st Vice President of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee, replacing IOC Member Mrs. RWEMARIKA Félicité. Umulinga garnered 54/57 votes. She is a former player of the National Women’s Volleyball team and Kigali Volleyball Club (KVC).

Umutoni Salama from the Rwanda Basketball Federation has been elected as the 2nd Vice President of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee. She garnered 56/57 votes. Umutoni is the former Captain of the National Women’s Basketball Team and Second Assistant Coach for both National Women’s Basketball Team and Ubumwe Basketball Club.

Kajangwe Joseph from the Rwanda Football Federation, has been elected as the Secretary General of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee, replacing Sharangabo Alexis, OLY. He occupied several positions at the local football governing body since 2012. Kajangwe who heads the Appeals Commission at FERWAFA, got 57/57 votes.

Gakwaya Christian, the President of the Rwanda Automobile Club, has been elected as the Treasurer General of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee. Gakwaya who was elected by 55/55 votes, also represents Africa in FIA (Federation Internationale de l’Automobile) Rally Commission.

Girimbabazi Rugabira Pamela has been elected as the Advisor of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee, with 54/55 votes. She is currently the President of the Rwanda Swimming Federation and Secretary General of the Rwanda Olympians Association. Girimbabazi is a three-time Olympian in swimming (2000, 2004,2008).

Renowned Sports Journalist Jean Butoyi who is also the President of AJSPOR (Association Prednisone du Sports au Rwanda), has been elected as the Advisor of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee after garnering 55/55 votes. He served as the Head of the Media Commission in the outgoing Executive Committee of RNOSC.

The new RNOSC Executive Committee for 2021-2024 from left: Jean Butoyi (Advisor), Joseph Kajangwe (Secretary General), Salama Umutoni (2nd Vice President), Félicité RWEMARIKA (IOC Member), Theo Uwayo (President), Alice Umulinga (1st Vice President), Christian Gakwaya (Treasurer General) and Girimbabazi Rugabira Pamela (Advisor).

The RNOSC Internal Audit and Conflicts Resolution Committees have also the newly elected members as follows:  

Newly elected members of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee Internal Audit Committee:

– Iribagiza Alice from Rwanda Triathlon Federation (53/55 votes)

– Furaha Pascal from Rwanda Tennis Federation (53/55 votes)

– Nzeyimana Celestin from National Paralympic Rwanda (55/55 votes)

Newly elected members of the Rwanda National Olympic and Sports Committee Conflicts Resolution Committee:

– Bagabo Placide from Rwanda Taekwondo Federation (55/55 votes)

– Rwabuhihi Innocent from ARPST/Sport au Travail (55/55 votes)

– Kagarama Clementine from FRSS/Sport Scolaire (54/55 votes)

To view more photos of the RNOSC Elective General Assembly 2021 click here.